Question 1. Choose the correct verb form that corresponds to the subject. (i) Both answers (are, are) acceptable. (ii) Each of these books (is, is) fiction. (iii) No one (knows, knows) the problems I have seen. (iv) (Is it) the news at five or six? (v) Mathematics (is, is) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, is) Andrea`s favorite subject. (vi) Eight dollars (are, are) the price of a film today. (vii) (Is) the tweezers in this drawer? (viii) Your pants (is, is) with the cleaner. (ix) There were (were, were) fifteen candies in this bag. Now these (is, are) there is only one left. (x) The Committee (debates, debates) these issues with care. Answer: (i) is (ii) is (iii) white (iv) East (v) is, is (vi) is (vii) Are (viii) are (ix) were, is (x) debates 2.

Intransitive verbs: As mentioned above, an intransitive verb is the verb that does not accept an object. Examples: 1. Transitive verbs: Examples: Mr. Hales attends a class this morning. With these sentences, Mr. Hales takes the class. Here. The word ”Mr.

Hales” is the name. The word ”class” is the object. The word ”takes” is the verb. It is only when the three words are there that the entire sentences become complete and meaningful. In the event that the word object is not there, the phrase ”Mr. Hales takes” does not convey any meaning and the sentences do not become complete. In this case, ”What takes Mr. Hales?” is unclear.

It is only when the verb ”takes” gets an object that the meaning behind the verb ”takes” becomes complete. This means that the verb ”takes” needs an object to complement itself. Such a verb that an object needs is called a transitive verb. This means that the effect of the verb is transferred to another noun or something else. 12. The teacher and students are on an excursion. (If we connect two nouns to both and with, the verb corresponds to the first.) Need: ”Need” has the power of necessity or obligation. When this verb ”need” is used to mean commitment in the negative or questioning form, the third-person ”s” of the singular (present tense) is not added as needed. If you want exercises similar to these for practice, then I recommend the following book, which is available on Amazon. 15.

Each situation has its advantages and disadvantages. (Use a singular verb after each of them.) In each sentence, the subject and verb must correspond personally (first, second or third) and number (singular or plural). Examples: 3. With or as well: If two nouns or pronouns are associated with or, the verb corresponds to the first of them. Examples: Choose the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. Question 1: Choose from the sentences given what is right and what is false, according to the rules of the subject`s agreement. Instead of good or evil, it would have been more useful to fill the empty exercise with several options. 2. Complete these sentences with the verb forms of the nouns in parentheses. (i) The thief found ___________ (Proof) (ii) ”I ____ (Behaviour) (iv) I didn`t write Shanta`s amazing story.

(Faith) (v) The teachers asked me to take the blackboard to ___. (Cleanliness) vi) Children _________ (Food) (viii) Try to enter the room with Rangoli ____ at ____ (beauty) (ix) The minister`s speech was intended to deal with ____ (Fame) (x) Please ______ with a solution to this threat. (Thought) I. Choose the right verb form in the following sentences: Let`s remember what we learned about subject-verb correspondence. The verb can be divided into different methods. There are four types of verbs. Fill in the gaps with appropriate verbal forms. Select the answers from the options in parentheses. 2. Singular subject + and + singular subject = she – singular subject plural + and + subject plural = she – plural Examples: 3. Auxiliary verb: A verb that helps another verb to form its tense, voice or mood is called auxiliary verb.

Have, be (am, are, was and were) and do are usually used as auxiliary verbs, they can also be used as main verbs.| Examples: However, if: Singular subject + and + Singular subject = he/she Singular question 2: Fill in the gaps that each sentence has in agreement with the subject-verb correspondence. Question 8. Neither the boy nor the girl ………….. (was/were) in class. Answer: Neither the boy nor the girl were in the class. 6. A few boys______________ (disturb/disturb) the whole class. An English verb can be regular or irregular.

Regular verbs form their forms partizip post- and passed by addition. 11. None______________ (seems/seems) to be serious in class. 15. Mathematics (is, is) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, are) Andrea`s favorite subject. Irregular verbs form their past and past partizip forms in different ways. There are mainly three types of irregular verbs. Verbs in which the three forms are the same (e.B. put – put – put) Verbs in which two of the three forms are the same (e.B sit – sat – sat) Verbs in which the three forms are different (e.B. drink – drink – drink) Some verbs can be both regular and irregular.

4. Words like, any, either…, nor one…, everyone, one, one, one of, many, a little denote a = he/shelit, so they take a singular verb. Examples: In the following sentences, select the correct verb form from the options provided. This exercise tests your understanding of the concept of subject-verb matching. Tags: Class 8 Subject Verb Agreement WorksheetsSubject Verb Agreement ExercisesUbject Verb Agreement Quiz Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet 4. Modal verbs: The following verbs are called modal verbs. The following verbs are called modal verbs. Should, should, want, would, may, can, can, can, could, could, must, should be called and dare modal verbs. Notes: 1.

Many transitive verbs can also be used as intransitive verbs. Examples: Question 2. Fill in the gaps according to verbal forms. Select the answers from the options in parentheses. (i) A friend of mine ___________ went to France. (hat/hat) (ii) Each of the boys gives _______ (was/were) (iii) None of the participants ___ were able to achieve a decisive victory. (was/were) iv) Oil and water ____ (done/done) (v) He and I ___ (hat/hat) (viii) No prize or medal ______ was awarded to the boy, although he was in first place in the examination. (was/were) (ix) Wither Mary or Alice __ (east/are) (x) Neither the minister nor his colleagues ___ (hat/hat) Answer: (i) a (ii) was (iii) was (iv) do (v) were (vi) earned (vii) a (vii) was (ix) is (x) you returned the suitcase for two days. Here, the verb ”brought” needs an object to become meaningful. What was brought? The suitcase was brought by them.

Thus, the verb ”to bring” (brought) is a transitive verb. My father wrote a book that might interest you. We cross the river by boat. The child clearly reads English poems, An uncivilized man killed John Kennedy. She created this structure for our proposed home. My teacher gave me a pen before I entered the exam room. They sell their real estate. In the seven sentences mentioned above, the respective verbs ”write”, ”cross”, ”read”, ”kill”, ”create”, ”give” and ”sell” need their respective objects to give meaning to the sentences.

So all these verbs are transitive verbs. Few other ”transitive verbs” are: build, carry, start, endure, eat, choose, eat, find, forget, feed, drink, act, hang on, give, grind, have, hold, make, mount, lend, know, learn, win, steal, weave, close, distribute, etc. 1. In sentences that begin with an introduction, the verb stands in front of the subject. Examples: A. In each of the following lines, a verb does not match the subject. Underline the wrong verb and write it correctly. The definition of subject-verb-match subject-verb-correspondence tells us how a subject will accept their verb. In general, the rules of tense fall into the category of subject-verb correspondence, but apart from these rules, there are other rules by which a subject accepts the verb.

Like what. Only a few verbs to go, fall, die, sleep, etc. are exclusively intransitive. Other ”intransitive verbs” are: swimming, standing, sitting, sinking, hitting, shining, running, standing, lying, walking, kneeling, growing, etc. 3. I have glasses which______________ (east/are) gray and red. 25. The Minister with his deputies______________ (east/are) shortly before his arrival. 7. The majority______________ go to Goa and not to Nainital.

17. His knowledge of cars______________ (is/are) astonishing. 23. All CDs, including the scratched one, are in this case. 8. Tennis______________ (is/are) a popular game in the United States. 12. I, Pooja Sood, ______ (east/am) a student at Bal Bharati Public School. 22. The Prime Minister welcomes, greets and warmly welcomes the press with his wife.

2. My mother or father (is, are) come to the meeting. Question 5. Some students …………….. (are/are) present today. Answer: Some students are here today. Question 9. One of the travelers ……………….. (ont/ont) complained about the bus.

Answer: One of the travelers complained about the bus. .